In this tenth and final commandment, I explain using several personal true stories and examples, how negativity from others – both those close to you, as well as people you may not even know or be consciously aware of – can cause potentially serious damage to you, in a way that could stop you from achieving the valued goal you set.
Dispense with any rose colored glasses through which you may be tempted to view the world. Some people, including those you love, may choose to make things difficult for you, as they observe your progress.
What you need to do is PREPARE yourself for that possible eventuality. Otherwise you could just end up getting derailed from achieving your dream.
Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement IDEAS
(PI Squared) Newsletter
Monday 31st January 2018
NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016. I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.
PII 148: Commandment No. 10 – You Shall Constantly Equip Yourself to Tackle Negative Competition [10 Commandments of Web Marketing for Business Success]
“Unfortunately, it may be difficult to eliminate all the negative people from your life. Your mother or father, a business associate, a best friend or even your spouse might be a negative influence. And since any of these people have known you for years, they probably think of you in terms of your past experiences and not in terms of who you are today, or the person you can become.
The saying “A prophet has no honor in his own home” couldn’t be truer, Sometimes it’s easier to find support from a complete stranger. A stranger doesn’t carry preconceived notions about what you can or cannot do…everyone needs someone to believe in him or her, and those who are closest to you may not be the best people to fill that role.
The key is to find someone who does…Negativity works like poison in the bloodstream: If you give in to its power, it will weaken your confidence and kill your dream. Your goals are simply too important to let that happen.” – Cynthia Kersey, Author of UNSTOPPABLE 45 Powerful Stories of Perseverance and Triumph from People Just Like You
In this tenth and final commandment, I explain using several personal true stories and examples, how negativity from others – both those close to you, as well as people you may not even know or be consciously aware of – can cause potentially serious damage to you, in a way that could stop you from achieving the valued goal you set.
Dispense with any rose colored glasses through which you may be tempted to view the world. Some people, including those you love, may choose to make things difficult for you, as they observe your progress.
What you need to do is PREPARE yourself for that possible eventuality. Otherwise you could just end up getting derailed from achieving your dream.
In addition to experience based insights I offer in the MP3 audio and PDF transcript for this commandment, EVERY member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club also has FREE access to request help in implementing these ideas.
This talk is based on an educational weekly email series I created exclusively for members of my Web Marketing for CEOs club.It provides experience based ideas, tips and insights for use by any persons engaged in business, who wish to achieve low to zero cost business marketing reach and impact by leveraging the the power of PC and Internet Technology.It is NOW available in a specially bundled MP3 Audio and PDF Book package that can be downloaded online or accessed offline on a DVD delivered to you.Attendees of THIS LIVE talk however get instant membership of my Web Marketing for CEOs club (N50k value – includes FREE weekly coaching via Private Facebook and WhatsApp groups) + FREE download link to the ebook/audios.Standard FEE for Talk – N100k
Get 1 Year Web Marketing Saupport: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club
Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator
1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc
2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.
Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.
Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
SDN Blog™
New posts from last week*Monday:
PII 147: Narcissists Can Harm Those They Live With – Especially Children [What You Need to Know]
[IMPORTANT: This blog’s contents are being updated following the transfer to from my former domain – As a result, some parts of it may not work properly for now. Quick Tip: If a link contains “”, simply change it to “” – and it should work. This applies to article links as well as image links. Work continues to update the links(in over 500 articles). Tayo K. Solagbade.] | |
Practical Livestock Feed Formulation HandbookAvailable as a PDF ebook, and also as a spiral bound print manual (from me). Click here for details. You can also get it as an PDF ebook via my online store. $82.5 USD to buy it from my online store (PDF download)N8,000.00 [Eight Thousand Naira] for persons who wish to send payment direct to my bank account.Payment of N50,000.00 gets you the physical handbook and software on CD with videos etc, PLUS practical one-on-one, in person training with me at a feed mill in Lagos, Nigeria. Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.Your Gifts for SubscribingWhen you signup, you’ll receive: Once you submit the form below, you will be taken directly to the downloads page, just as an auto-response message will be delivered to your inbox, with links to the promised gifts. I look forward to meeting and/or working with you! Tayo K. Solagbade*
Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc 2. Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student. Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.EXCEL-VB DRIVEN POULTRY LAYER FARM MANAGER SOFTWAREClick here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs. Click here to contact me about purchasing this product. |
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Source: ExcelVB