[Photo] The cakes shown next to the short drinks bottles were made from Pineapple Peels by me (Tayo K. Solagbade) – just like the drinks in the bottles themselves.
Yes, the PEELS.
What’s more, the cakes were baked without using an oven. I first began making the drinks in Calavi, Benin Republic. When I moved to Cotonou, I continued.
It all began in 2014, when I discovered a way to use pineapple peels in making drinks (fermented and non-fermented). Later I began using the peels in baking the cakes, I was making without using an oven.
As I noted in an article written back then, my first pineapple peel based cakes were far from pretty, but those made by my kids (also without an oven), with input from their mother, look much prettier (see below).
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Source: ExcelVB