Why You Need Feed Formulation, and NO...

Why You Need Feed Formulation, and NOT Feed Mixing, to Get Superior Performance from Your Livestock

[NB: Even though I use pig farming based examples, the ideas I share below, apply to all livestock types]. This article was inspired by the following 2 comments posted by a Kenyan and a Nigerian Farm CEO, about livestock feed production…in 2 separate online discussions. 1. “Feeds take up to 80 per cent of pig […]

Get Smart Cost-Saving SPREADSHEET SOF...

In this piece – which I GREATLY enjoyed writing(!) – I offer a value proposition based summary of my Excel Heaven™ brand – including history and long term purpose. I;ve come a long way since 2002!! Doing Business As “Self-Development Academy (SDAc)’s Excel Heaven™, I began operations in January 2002, offering Workbook Optimization, and Visual […]

Free Yourself to Succeed Smarter – by...

This article features highlight screen shots of page excerpts from the 20 page PDF Annotated Screenshot User Guide Tutorial I send to every buyer/user of my Excel-VB Poultry Farm Manager spreadsheet software. Making solutions I develop for clients/users novice proof, has been a key ingredient in the growing success I enjoy today, selling my apps […]

[Coming Soon] New Version of my CB So...

I’ve just published a new version of my CB Solutions Mobile phone app using a platform that makes the app work for ANY operating systems such as Android, Apple, Black Berry and Windows. In a few days, it will go LIVE. For now, use the link below to check out the interactive features. http://www.appsbar.com/WebApp/Facebook/app.php?AppID=1059085&HostSite=&Device=Embed [IMPORTANT: […]

PII 057: Storing & Handling Lives...

This write-up is based on excerpts from my 30 page Annotated Pictorial Introduction to Feed Ingredients – a FREE report which EVERY buyer of my popular 60 page Practical Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook gets. Since publishing my popular Feed Formulation Handbook in 2002, I have developed an automated MS-Excel Visual Basic driven Ration Formulation application […]

The FARM CEO (Issue 76): FREE AUDIO –...

The FARM CEO (Issue 76): FREE AUDIO – Find ways to make/grow variable cost inputs yourself at low to zero cost [Hint: Part 1 of 5 from Tayo Solagbade’s 5 Part Audio Podcast Series titled “Tested Strategies to Save Money (& Grow Profits) Running YOUR Farm Business”]

This is a special edition of my Farm CEO Newspaper, featuring a FREE download offer of my audio podcast on Variable Cost Reduction, titled “Find ways to make/grow variable cost inputs yourself at low to zero cost” It is part 1 of 5  of my Audio Podcast Training series titled “Tested Strategies to Save Money […]

Create a Splashscreen for Your Custom...

There are 2 videos to watch below, in this non-password-protected post for members of my Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club: Video 1: What a Splash Screen looks like – real life demonstration using Tayo Solagbade’s Poultry Farm Manager Excel-VB Spreadsheet app Click here to watch the video Video 2: Step-by-Step demonstration of how to build […]


Why do black people – and their nations – often lag behind others? I have argued for years that the reason is NOT genetic. Instead it is the mental attitude of majority of us. No one can under develop us. We have the power to develop and advance ourselves. I am doing that for myself […]

[VIDEO] Anatomy of a Real Life Speake...

Many business owners have problems attracting the right kinds of people to buy from them. Marketing is not just about getting people to buy from you. Instead you need to focus on how to find the right kind of people. But who are the right kinds of people? How can – or should – you […]

[Recommended] Opinion: Raising Africa...

[Recommended] Opinion: Raising Africa’s middle class – howwemadeitinafrica.com

Preview: We already know that we do not know enough about African growth. This was revealed by the extent of upward revisions to estimates of GDP during recent rebasings – anywhere from up 25% in the case of Kenya, to up 89% in the case of Nigeria. Africa has been growing faster than we thought […]

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