Monthly archives for June, 2024

Explanation Of 5 MS Excel Developer C...

I prepared this mind-map, back in 2016, as a basis for explaining the 5 levels of Excel-VB Solutions Development Competence I offer interested persons my experience-based coaching support to achieve. This mind-map was conceived based on categorizations made in Professional Excel Development – the massive Excel-VB programming bible written by 3 of the world’s foremost […]

VIDEO | “Mogliani, Braque & Picas...

Right, what Maya Angelou said in this video, will shock many Nigerians and Africans generally, if they were to know just far back it applies – and how widely it applies. WATCH THE VIDEO: Click HERE to listen to the clip, which is followed by a short reaction I recorded to it. READ THE PDF […]


This 30 second video clip in which a man tries to ask a woman curating an art gallery out to dinner passes a powerfully instructive message that EVERY woman (and girl) needs to hear. Click to listen to their conversation – which is followed by a short reaction I’ve recorded to it. Source: ExcelVB

GIF/VIDEO | Get THIS FREE ‘Income &am...

In 2022, to help members of her Royal Siblings Entrepreneurs Club (RSEC) who may not be ready to invest in her full fledged Agro-Processing Business Manager Spreadsheet Software for Operational/Financial Data Analysis, Performance Trending and & Report Generation, Fausat Sanni-Yusuf (CEO of RSV Limited) purchased a Reseller License to this Excel-VB Cash Inflow and Outflow […]

COMING SOON: Understanding Nutrient R...

This content is currently being prepared. Click HERE to get notified when the full video is published. Source: ExcelVB

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